
Showing posts from October, 2018

48 Hours in Washington DC: Part two

Background:  If one read my previous blog post, they would know that I visited Washington DC for 48 hours two years ago. The latter post focused on the first 24 hours of the trip, whereas this post focuses on the second period of 24 hours. If one would like to know about how I continued the journey, continue reading.  * * * Day 2: They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I thus took it to heart by visiting Bread Furst, a cafe on Connecticut Avenue, which has a variety of baked goods such as fresh bread, muffins, and authentic croissants. However, Washington summers can often get exceedingly hot, like today. So, like many Washingtonians, I flocked to the river banks to catch a much needed breeze. I rented a bike, as it is prevalent and often an affordable means of transport ($8 for 24 hours), in order to see more of Washington DC. Although there are a multitude of possible routes, I headed northwest towards Dupont Circle. This is an area that has rejuvena

48 Hours in Washington D.C: Part One

Background: Most of my family actually lives in Northern Virginia, just outside of the Nation’s Capital. Growing up, I had tastes of this gorgeous city; when my father thought that my brain was attrifying during the sweltering summers I would spend inside, he would drag me to one of numerous museums. I mimicked the disdain my older siblings had for museums, and I often found myself “too cool” to go, although I secretly didn’t mind them. After living overseas for a couple of years, I decided that it was due time to fully immerse and experience the city I called home. Sadly, we would only be there for two days in the summer, before continuing our journey west to visit family and friends in Chicago, so this trip had to be concise and well planned. * * * Day 1: I woke up disoriented and exactly not sure where I was; however the aromatic smell of pancakes and bacon on my table reminded me that I was in fact in DC, as nobody does breakfast foods better than the US. Room se